About Us

Faith Discipleship ministries International (FAMI) is non-profit, Inter-racial, Interdenominational Christian Organization that was started by Ugandans from different denominations in 2013. FAMI is registered as a Community Based Organization (CBO) in Iganga District with Registration number IDLG/0015/14

Who we are

FAMI History

FAMI started with the purpose to reach out the community through evangelism and discipleship ministries for holistic empowerment of the beneficiaries and livelihood optional skills for income and gainful employment for the unemployed youth and women in Uganda. Its head offices are located at Busei Central, Nakalama Sub-County Iganga District near Iganga Comprehensive sss.

Vision, Mission & Core values

Vision: An evangelized, Discipled, and Transformed Community

Motto:  Kingdom Builders

Mission: To seek and nurture others through evangelism and discipleship programmes for the realization of the holistic mission of Christ.

Overall Goal: To promote holistic transformation among the Youth and Children, Men and Women through social economic empowerment, education, Vocational training skills, evangelism and Discipleship.

Core Values: Team work, Integrity, Love and Transparency

Team work- We affirm the importance of Team Spirit and Unity  where each member’s unique gifting  and input is affirmed where health communication and accountability exist and all members take ownership for their past. We are dependable, flexible, and believe in serving in partnership with Mission agencies, Development partners, private sectors, Non-Government agencies and indigenous Churches as an explanation of the unity of all People regardless of faith and culture  ( Acts 2: 41-47)

Integrity – We believe in demonstrating sound moral and ethical convictions and doing the right thing in all circumstances, even if no one is watching. Honest, trust worthy, principled and courageous are our central to integrity (Job 27:1-6).

Love – We believe that we are called to something much greater than our selves. Loving God, Loving others, worship and justice motivate everything we do. We strive to love others through an authentic relational approach, bearing each other’s burdens and every development partner, team player, and client is treated with respect and dignity as part of the family ( Mathew 22: 37-39)

Transparency – We say what we mean; we mean what we say and do what we say that we shall do without hidden agendas or conditions, accompanied by the availability of full information required for collaboration, cooperation and collective decision making ( 1 Timothy 4: 11- 16)

Strategic Focus areas of FAMI

FAMI focuses on four areas that are in line with her Vision, Mission and SDGs. These include:

  • Evangelism and Discipleship Ministries,
  • Leadership Training to focus on Children and Youth Ministries including civic education & advocacy,
  • Education support to vulnerable and disadvantaged children
  • Poverty Eradication through; Social-Economic Initiatives and implementation of health improvement projects

FAMI Strategic Objectives

  1. To reach out the community through Evangelism and Discipleship with the Gospel of Jesus Christ to build the spiritual life of the beneficiaries as a way of fulfilling the great commission. (Mathew 28:19).
  2. To train leaders to focus on Youth and Children Ministries in and out school including civic education and advocacy
  3. To offer education support to vulnerable and disadvantaged children with good academic performance at various levels including vocational skills training.
  4. To reduce poverty through development of social-economic initiatives, self-help projects and implementation health improvement projects.
  5. To conduct research on salient identified issues in our focus areas to inform policy agendas for development.
  6. To provide guidance and counseling to vulnerable groups like Orphans, widows, persons living with HIV/AIDS and other psycho-social challenges in addition to marital and family counseling.
  7. To main stream of cross cutting issues such as Gender, HIV,AIDS, Environment and creation of awareness of other related diseases across all project in focus area during their implementation.

FAMI Projects Implementation Approaches

FAMI uses Apostle Paul’s approach based on 2Timothy 2:2 that states And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others” This approach is more on building trainers of the trainees thus sustainability of the project. 

Through this approach Leaders are mobilized trained and equipped with practical tools for holistic welfare and teach them how to reach out to the community with transformative message.

This approach also builds confidence of the trained leaders as they are then able to take a facilitator role in mobilizing and creating spaces where the community can meet, reflect and discuss issues affecting them and plan solutions for improvement.


  • The General Assembly
  • The Board of Directors
  • The Council of Trustees
  • The Secretariat

The General Assembly is the highest authority of the organization responsible for approving the appointment of members of the Board of Directors, annual work plans and budgets of the organization among others.

The Board of Directors is the supreme body of the organization responsible for promoting the organization Vision, Mission and lobby for its advancement and development.

The Council of Trustees is a body responsible for guiding members of the organization in matters of property/assets management, policies, guidelines, technical expertise and direction for programs and promotes the organization mission.

The Secretariat is the technical and implementing arm of the organization headed by the Executive Director responsible for upholding the policies of the organization at implementation level on behalf of the Board.

FAMI Sub-Committees and Net works

FAMI SUB-Committees conduct membership recruitment, over see day to day business of the organization and report to the members through AGMs and to the Board of Directors regularly.

To oversee and supervise FAMI management staff who are responsible for handling daily or routine operations of the organizational activities 


Membership of the organization is open irrespective of the nation, tribe, sex, race, and political belief as long as he/she shall be of good repute and meets all the requirements needed for membership.